Upcoming Events
Does Joining JROTC require Military obligation? :
NO, joining JROTC will not result in mandatory military service. JROTC is the equivalent of a Highschool elective class.
Why do we have to do PT (Physical Training)? :
It is the goal of Cadet Command, as well as the instructors to improve the physical fitness of all cadets in order to better prepare them for taking active roles in school, sports, and their communities.
Will cadets have to cut their hair? :
YES, cadets are required to keep their hair within uniform regulation; hair is kept neat/off the ears and collar and is of natural color. Females must be able to put their hair in a bun that sits above the collar. If hair is not within regulation by the weekly inspection date points will be deducted from the cadets' uniform grade.
How are cadets graded in class? :
Cadets get a weekly leadership and participation grade. cadets do not have to be in a leadership position to be graded on leadership. following well is just as important as leading. The participation portion of this grade considers whether or not the cadet is participating fully in class activities, or being a disruption. Points are also deducted for excessive talking, disrespect, sass, not following instructions, disregard for classroom rules, etc.
Do I have to purchase a uniform? :
NO, all articles of clothing are provided and cadets/parents are not required to purchase any uniform items UNLESS it becomes lost. The cadet responsible must then reimburse the battalion accordingly.
Can I keep my uniform? :
NO, all articles of clothing are property of the Falcon Battalion and must be returned at the end of each semester UNLESS the cadet is enrolled in a second semester of JROTC. (With the exception of shoes)